
Scholarly Publication and Copyright from MIT

Retaining Copyrights to Increase Research Impact: Online Tutorial

Scholarly Publication - MIT Libraries

The tutorial is "intended to explain how copyright relates to publication agreements for research articles, and how authors can increase the impact of their work by negotiating to retain rights to post their articles on the web or reuse them in other ways".

I have the awful experience that scholarly articles cannot be accessed without subscription or membership privilege when I just wanna check or cite the original.

Digital technology makes open access easy, and a balanced relationship among authors, publishers, and the general public is not impossible.


Proposed Fund to Help IP Litigation

By Jia Hepeng for Intellectual Property Watch

China Proposes Fund To Help Its Firms Fight IP Litigation

BEIJING - China is proposing a fund to help its enterprises cope with rising international litigation related to intellectual property rights (IPRs).

The message, together with other measures, was delivered by Zhang Qin, deputy director of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) at a national corporate IPR meeting on 2 September, but it was not made public until 10 September.

Sun Pingping, a spokeswoman of SIPO, confirmed the news, saying the scale and detailed operation of the fund have not been finalised.

Zhang told the corporate meeting that international legal cases on IP that Chinese enterprises face have been growing. While some of the lawsuits arise from Chinese enterprises' poor IPR awareness and ownership, it is possible that some multinationals are abusing IPR to block the rise of Chinese firms, he said.

Together with the fund, SIPO will help some enterprises streamline their IPR strategies, organise patent examiners to provide patent searches and establish early warning services to prevent the potential patent infringements by Chinese companies.

The policies came amidst more multinationals suing Chinese exports for allegedly having copied their patented products.

German auto giant BMW, for example, claims a sedan of the Chinese firm Shuanghuan Auto copies its X5 and is suing the German company that imported the car.

Three years before, thousands of Chinese DVD players were confiscated by a German customs after they were accused by an alliance of electronics giants such as Matsushita, Toshiba and JVC to have used their patented technologies without authorisation. The DVD patent dispute ended with Chinese manufacturers agreeing to pay royalty fees up to US$8 for per DVD player, whose price has been lowered to US$40 as a result of severe market competition.

According to SIPO, by the end of 2006, the US International Trade Commission (USITC) had instituted 58 Section 337 investigations - a major US measure against infringement of IPR - against Chinese enterprises. In 2006 alone, there were 13 such cases, accounting for 39.3 percent of the total number of the Section 337 investigations USITC launched.

"Although many Chinese companies lack patents for their products, the patent barriers for their exports are not insurmountable," Sun told Intellectual Property Watch. She added that if Chinese companies are active in addressing the patent disputes they are entangled in, they might find some relevant patents are outdated while others could be overcome by slight revisions. "The fund could promote more Chinese companies to reasonably face international IPR charges," Sun said.

However, it seems to Zhao Chen, a patent examiner at SIPO, that the proposed fund of SIPO is not enough to help Chinese enterprises in dealing with the patent litigation.

"A patent lawsuit in the United States could easily spend $6 to 7 million, and the limited financial strength of SIPO cannot support such big spending for many enterprises," said Zhao. The proposed SIPO fund would mainly play a symbolic role, encouraging Chinese companies to cope with international legal challenges related to patents, he said.

Zhao revealed that with the help of the Ministry of Commerce, SIPO has already worked out a guidebook on international patent litigation for Chinese firms, containing messages from practical recommendations to the contact information of the major US and European patent law firms.

Despite the measures and the planned litigation fund, Zhao said Chinese companies that will actively respond to patent litigations would not be many.

"[Being involved in] any lawsuit is a result of balancing costs and benefits. The profit for Chinese manufacturers in the international market has already been very thin, and they would hardly insist on lawsuits for the small profit," Zhao told Intellectual Property Watch.

He added that to make Chinese enterprises more positively cope with international IPR lawsuits, the collective force coordinated by industry associations is very important, but now Chinese industry associations are still too weak and reluctant to organise the activities, partly due to the difficulty in sharing costs and benefits.

While welcoming the SIPO's move to help enterprises deal with IPR litigation, Chen Naiwei, director of the IPR Research Centre at Shanghai Jiaotong University, thinks the measures on foreign IPR litigation should not be prioritised.

"For a latecomer like China in the world of patents, the key issue is to help patent applications avoid or get around the barriers set by the existing patents and reflect added innovation," said Chen. "Only in this way, the possible subsequent lawsuits can have a substantial basis."

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Online Games Alliance Against Piracy

Online game companies form anti-piracy group

The Alliance Against Piracy will propose industry-wide policies and practices and lobby lawmakers to enact anti-piracy legislation. The Beijing-based alliance also includes four Korean game makers and an Icelandic firm.

CDC Games and Leading Game Developers Form Alliance to Protect Online Game Industry from Piracy

What interests me is that CDC Games has reportedly helped the China government convict two operators of "piracy for profit" of one of their online fantasy games, resulting in criminal convictions including prison sentences and fines.

"The first case, known as the 'Tianzi case' involved a private server operator that was running illegal copies of the MIR III game online. The conviction of the operator included the seizure of all their equipment and a three-year prison sentence.

The second case, known as the '007 case', recently concluded in August 2007 with a six-year prison sentence and a fine of US $67,000. In this case, the operator was running an illegal macro program that allowed players to purchase online game merchandise such as special powers and weapons. "

Compulsory Licensing of Patents

James Packard Love, Knowledge Ecology International Research Note:
Recent examples of the use of compulsory licenses on patents

"This paper reports on a number of recent examples of the use of compulsory licenses, in both developed and developing economies. The examples cover a wide variety of technologies, legal mechanisms, and grounds for non-voluntary authorizations to use patents."

As regards China, it used the threat to a compulsory license to obtain voluntary licenses to manufacture generic Tamiflu in 2005.










No to Patent Reform on Youtube

Innovation vs Monopoly - "NO" on current patent changes

Dennis Crouch, Associate Professor of Law of University of Missouri, asked such a question: "Can Apple & Microsoft combine forces to create a better video about the harms caused by today’s patent laws - and will they allow it to be posted on youtube?"


Different Perspective

How Adidas' IP Enforcer Kicked Counterfeiting in China: Athletic shoe maker's Asia IP guru says he doesn't have a counterfeiting problem in China - what's he doing right?

"While its competitors continue to focus on raiding factories, Adidas has increasingly targeted retailers and wholesalers. Adidas' China-based in-house lawyers work with the business side to make shoes harder to copy (by using a state-of-the-art label), and with outside investigators to build cases and prod government enforcement. It's all done on an annual budget of less than $1 million."

"However, raids are just part of Adidas' in-house IPR approach. 'If you're only thinking about raiding,' Ray Tai, head of Adidas' intellectual property rights enforcement in Asia, says, 'you, as a lawyer, are not doing your job.' Attorneys should be preventing problems as well as solving them, he observes."

I concur.


Anti-Monopoly Law of the PRC Comes


China Passes Antitrust Law, to Scrutinize More Deals

"Whether the law makes foreign investors' lives more difficult depends on how it's implemented, Jonathan Palmer, regional managing director for U.S. law firm Heller Ehrman LLP said. 'Where the rubber meets the road is in the enforcement,' he said. 'At the moment, we don't know how it's going to be enforced. But overall the law is a significant step forward and is in compliance with international standards.'"


于泽远:明年八月实施 国企和跨国企业 将受反垄断法遏制



第五十五条 经营者依照有关知识产权的法律、行政法规规定行使知识产权的行为,不适用本法;但是,经营者滥用知识产权,排除、限制竞争的行为,适用本法。

Article 55 deals with the abuse of the IPRs, applicable to the undertakings that eliminate or restrict market competition beyond the laws and administrative regulations on intellectual property rights.

The three major intellectual property laws in China, namely, Copyright Law, Patent Law, and Trademark Law, are directly impacted by the Anti-Monopoly Law.

More info about the Law is available here.






第八条 国家建立和完善知识产权制度,营造尊重知识产权的社会环境,激励自主创新。

第二十八条 国家通过财政、税收、金融、外汇等政策,引导和扶持创业风险投资机构对高新技术产业进行投资。


第三十一条 国家培育和发展技术市场,引导建立社会化、专业化和网络化的技术交易服务体系,鼓励创办从事技术评估、技术经纪等活动的技术交易服务机构,推动科学技术成果转移和应用。

第三十四条 国家采取措施鼓励企业研究开发新技术、新产品、新材料、新工艺,组织开展合理化建议、技术改进和技术协作活动,进行技术改造和设备更新,吸收和开发新技术,创造、管理、保护、运用知识产权,提高产品、服务质量,在市场竞争中创立知名品牌,提高劳动生产率和经济效益

第三十九条 国家政策性金融机构应当对国家规定的自主创新项目给予重点支持;国家利用基金等方式,为贷款提供贴息、担保,引导商业金融机构支持企业自主创新与企业技术产业化。


第四十二条 制定政府指导价和政府定价,应当平等对待国内、国外企业拥有知识产权的产品、服务,不得歧视。

第四十三条 制定国家标准和行业标准应当吸收企业参加。


第六十九条 利用财政性资金设立的科学技术基金、科学技术计划项目的管理机构,应当对项目实施情况进行抽查、验收;抽查、验收时应当查看项目实施情况的原始记录。


第七十条 除国家另有规定或者合同另有约定的外,实施利用财政性资金设立的科学技术基金项目、科学技术计划项目产生的知识产权,由项目承担者享有;特殊情况下,国家可以无偿使用或者指定单位有偿使用。


第七十一条 利用财政性资金设立的科学技术基金项目、科学技术计划项目产生的知识产权,向境外的个人和组织转让应当经国务院科学技术行政部门批准。

第七十八条 国家建立科学技术保密制度,实行科学技术保密工作责任制,建立健全科学技术保密补偿机制,加强对重大科学技术项目秘密事项及相关人员参与国际交流和合作的管理,保护涉及国家安全和公共利益的科学技术秘密



Protecting IP in China

The Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, and the Stanford Law Society of Silicon Valley present: Protecting IP in China (August 15, 2007)


Some highlights:

1. Ningbo Oriental Movement Factory vs. Jiangyin Jinling Hardware Co., Ltd. for retrial for patent infringement - the first case of the SPC to which the doctrine of equivalent was applied.

“When determining the protection scope of patent right, neither the protection scope of patent right should be limited to the rigid literary meaning of the Claims, nor the Claims be taken as just a technical guideline which can be explained freely. The protection scope of patent right for invention and utility model contains two aspects: (1) the scope determined by the indispensable technical features recorded in the Claims; and (2) the scope determined by the features equivalent to the indispensable technical features, i.e., comparing to the corresponding technical feature in the Claims, and by the basically same method, a technical feature can realize the basically same function and produce basically same effect, of which an ordinary person skilled in the art can take no creative effort to conceive. ”

2. Dalian Xin Yi Building Materials Co., Ltd. vs. Dalian Renda New Materials of Wall Factory for retrial for patent infringement - the SPC clearly denied applying the so-called “principle of superfluity establishing”.

“All the technical features that the patentee wrote in the Independent Claims are the indispensable technical features, which can not be ignored; therefore, these technical features should be brought into the comparison of technical features. This Court does not agree to use the so-called 'principle of superfluity establishing' recklessly. …… The public will be at a loss because of the unpredictable change of the contents of the patent. All technical features recorded in the Claims should be considered roundly and adequately, which could guarantee the stability of the legal rights, and guarantee the normal operation and the realization of the value of the patent system.”

3. Founder Group, etc. vs. Gao Shu Tianli Technology Co., Ltd., Gao Shu Technology Co., Ltd. for retrial for infringement of copyright of computer software - the SPC clarified issues for the legality of entrapped evidence in this case.

“In civil litigation, illegal activities have been explicitly defined by laws. However, despite of these explicit illegal activities and in the light of the universality of the social relationship and the complexity of the relationship of interests, laws do not exhaustively list all the activities that might be illegal. Laws authorize the judges the jurisdictional power to determine what kind of activities are illegal according to the balance of interests and the orientation of value. Therefore, with respect to those activities from which laws do not explicitly prevent, whether they are illegal or not could mainly be determined by their substantial justification.

For the current case, through the way of notarization, Founder has not only obtained evidence showing the whole process that Gao Shu installed the pirate copy of Founder’s computer software, but also has obtained evidence showing that Gao Shu sold pirate software to its other clients, and evidence or evidence clue on Gao Shu’s infringing activities of the same kind. The intention of Founder to obtain the above evidence is of justification. And these activities did not harm the public interests or other’s legal rights and interests as well.

In addition, the infringing activities against copyright of computer software feature high degree of concealment. It is also difficult to obtain related evidence. The entrapped evidence approach in this case is thus helpful to resolve the above problems. It also has effects on deterring and restricting such infringing activities, which meets the spirit of laws to legally protect the intellectual property.”




WIPO PATENT REPORT 2007 - Statistics on Worldwide Patent Activities

Some highlights in this report:

1 Very high growth rates in patent filings by applicants from North East Asian countries, particularly Korea and China. It is clear that this is a process that is ongoing.

2 Filings of PCT international applications from Korea and China have grown significantly since 2002, to the point where both countries are now within the top ten of origin of PCT international applications.

3 China’s ranking on Indicators of Patent Intensity, which compare patent filings with other indicators, namely population, GDP and R&D expenditures, remains low. These indicators allow for more meaningful cross-country comparisons by weighting the number of patents by different measures of country size and economic activity.

4 The increase in patent filings from newly industrialized countries does not yet translate into ownership of patent rights internationally by applicants from those countries. Of the approximately 5.6 million patents in force in 2005, 49% were owned by applicants from Japan and the United States. The major European countries are also strongly represented in ownership of patent rights.

5 Patent applications filed in the field of electricity and electronics represented 35% of worldwide patent filings between 2000 and 2005. Patent filings in this technology field are concentrated in the patent offices of Japan and the United States followed by Korea, the European Patent Office and China.

ECONOMIST: Benchmarking IT industry

A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit: The means to compete - Benchmarking IT industry competitiveness

“The purpose of the IT industry competitiveness index is to compare countries in different regions of the world on the extent to which they possess the conditions necessary to support a strong IT industry. To achieve this, the Economist Intelligence Unit has built a benchmarking model which scores individual countries on the key attributes of a competitive IT sector.”

There are six categories of indicator used in the index. Among them stands the legal environment category, which includes comprehensiveness, transparency of IP legislation, adherence to treaties; enforcement of IP legislation; status of electronic signature legislation; status of national data privacy and anti-spam laws; and status of national cyber-crime laws.

Selected legal environment category scores are: United States 92.0; United Kingdom 88.5; Ireland 88.5; Germany 85.0; Japan 79.0; South Korea 66.0; China 49.0; India 48.0; Russia 38.5.

Some China-related views expressed in the report concerning IPRs:

Miller, Stanford University: “Companies complain about IP a lot but they still go there, and they protect themselves. They compartmentalise information so no one person can walk out the door with the complete story.”

Kagermann, SAP: “As China's homegrown companies begin to innovate, IP protection will be more rigorously enforced.”

Keith Collins, SAS: “They (MIT and Standford) no longer try to take an up-front value out of the IP - they take the risk of whether that IP will succeed in the marketplace, which makes it more likely that an entrepreneur can pick it up and succeed with it. Many universities have tried to drive revenue from IP, and that’s been a mistake.”


Recommended Reading

Judge Jiang provides an insightful, critical comment on China’s IP enforcement. For those seeking to enforce IPRs seriously in China, it deserves careful reading, without pride and prejudice.











U.S. Requests WTO Panel in China's IPR Case

United States Requests WTO Panel in Case Challenging Deficiencies in China’s Intellectual Property Rights Laws

"First, the request challenges quantitative thresholds in China’s criminal law that must be met in order to start criminal prosecutions or obtain criminal convictions for copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting. Wholesalers and distributors are able to operate below these high thresholds without fear of criminal liability, so these thresholds effectively permit piracy and counterfeiting on a commercial scale.

Second, the panel request addresses the rules for disposal of IPR-infringing goods seized by Chinese customs authorities. Those rules appear to permit goods to be released into commerce following the removal of fake labels or other infringing features, when WTO rules dictate that these goods normally should be kept out of the marketplace altogether.

Third, the panel request addresses the apparent denial of copyright protection for works poised to enter the market but awaiting Chinese censorship approval. It appears that Chinese copyright law provides the copyright holder with no right to complain about copyright infringement (including illegal/infringing copies and unauthorized translations) before censorship approval is granted. Immediate availability of copyright protection is critical to protect new products from pirates, who – unlike legitimate producers – do not wait for the Chinese content review process to be completed."

"The U.S. panel request will be considered by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body at its next meeting, which is scheduled for August 31."


Productivity in Patent Offices

Ernst & Young: Benchmarking Project – Productivity of the EPO, UKIPO & DPMA

Managing Intellectual Property: EPO productivity woes revealed

“Ernst & Young in cooperation with Management Team has been engaged by the European Patent Office (EPO) to conduct a benchmarking study on the productivity of the EPO and the national patent offices UKIPO (United Kingdom) and DPMA (Germany). This benchmarking study included the comparison of legal environments, the comparison of the patent granting processes and the analysis of productivity, measured by ‘time per action’-type of indicators, and productivity drivers, measured by specific key performance indicators. The analysis found that EPO’s productivity falls significantly behind the level of the national offices and identified a 50% difference in productivity between the EPO and the national offices. This difference is to some extent caused by the methodical features, since effort for written opinions and the involvement of the examining division cannot be properly accounted for. The total effect of these features and eight other explanatory factors may explain a productivity difference of 35% – 45% with two factors remaining that may be able to explain the residual.”

A detailed analysis of quantitative data on the patent granting process, the core of the project, is performed, including development of a methodology for measuring and comparing productivity, as well as findings of the root causes of the identified differences.

The statistics of certain productivity measures, such as time per product, time per communication, and of certain productivity drivers, such as experience of patent examiners, sickness days, adequacy of initial file allocation, communication per grant/refusal/withdrawal, oral proceedings per grant/refusal/withdrawal, are all of value.

The benchmarking results and recommendations are also applicable to SIPO to a great extent.


Grant rates in the patent office

MARK A. LEMLEY, BHAVEN N. SAMPAT: Is the Patent Office a Rubber Stamp?

"While it grants patents to more than two-thirds of those who apply, the USPTO is not a rubber stamp. It rejects a small but non-trivial percentage of applications (15-20%), and more applications are abandoned for business reasons. …… Further, in a significant number of cases – around 40% of those that issue – the prosecution process requires the applicant to amend the claims, presumably generally to make them narrower.”

“We also find that the likelihood of obtaining a patent varies significantly by industry in surprising ways. For example, patents are much more likely to be granted in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries than in software and computer fields.” “Overall, those industries that are most identified with bad patents (computer software, hardware, and business methods) turn out to be those with the lowest grant rates.”

“Our findings certainly suggest that debates about patent system reform need to move beyond a narrow focus on the grant rate. They also suggest that published patent application data and PAIR transaction/status data are a rich and unexplored source of information for examining the law and economics of the patent system, and firm and industry level patent strategies.”

Notes 1: The grant rate statistics of USPTO is similar to that of SIPO, according to my observation.
2: SIPO lacks a database system like PAIR, which limits its further capacity building.

My humble translation for Asia Business Intelligence

Asia Business Intelligence:


India Rejects Novartis's Gleevec Patent Bid

Bloomberg: Novartis's Gleevec Patent Challenge Rejected in India

"The patent for Gleevec/Glivec - granted in nearly 40 countries, including Russia and China - was denied in India in 2006. ……Novartis said it probably won't appeal today's decision to the country's supreme court."

SciDev.Net: Victory for generics in Indian patent case

"Leena Menghaney, from the India office of MSF, told SciDev.Net that India sets an example to the rest of the developing world in setting standards for TRIPS and safeguards to protect the rights of access to treatment for the poor."

Novartis concerned Indian court ruling will discourage investments in innovation needed to bring better medicines to patients:

"1 Court dismisses Novartis petition challenging constitutionality of Section 3(d); defers to World Trade Organization (WTO) to resolve question on TRIPS compliance;
2 Gleevec/Glivec patent appeal not decided; Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) review continues as separate proceeding."

Section 3(d) of The Patents Act of India states:

"The following are not inventions within the meaning of this Act, - (d) the mere discovery of a new form of a known substance which does not result in the enhancement of the known efficacy of that substance or the mere discovery of any new property or new use for a known substance or of the mere use of a known process, machine or apparatus unless such known process results in a new product or employs at least one new reactant.

Explanation - For the purposes of this clause, salts, esters, ethers, polymorphs, metabolites, pure form, particle size, isomers, mixtures of isomers, complexes, combinations and other derivatives of known substance shall be considered to be the same substance, unless they differ significantly in properties with regard to efficacy."


Not just copyright:Citizen translation of Harry Potter 7

EastSouthWestNorth: Self-Organized Citizen Translations of Harry Potter 7


Shanghai Daily: Potter novel translation posted online


I did see pirated Harry Potter 7 sold by street vendors in Beijing several days ago. But, the problem is not simply copyright violation from the legal perspective concerning these citizen translations.


Recommended debate

General exclusion order directed to lighters

Inv. No. 337-TA-575: the U.S. International Trade Commission has issued a general exclusion order directed to infringing lighters.

The investigation was instituted on June 20, 2006, based on a complaint, as supplemented, filed by Zippo, alleging section 337 violations by reason of infringement of United States Trademark Registration No. 2,606,241.

Named respondents from China include Tung Fong International Promotion Co., Ltd. of Hong Kong(東方國際推銷有限公司); Wenzhou Star Smoking Set Co., Ltd. of China(浙江省温州市站前星星烟具有限公司); Taizhou Rongshi Lighter Development Co., Ltd. of China(台州荣时打火机发展有限公司); and Wenzhou Tailier Smoking Set Co., Ltd. of China(温州泰利尔烟具制造有限公司). Wenzhou Star Smoking Set Company was terminated from the investigation on the basis of settlement agreements.

On February 21, the ALJ issued an ID finding the domestic industry requirement satisfied, and a violation of section 337. The Commission has recently determined that the appropriate form of relief is a general exclusion order prohibiting the unlicensed entry of lighters that infringe the '241 mark.

China-U.S. joint piracy investigation


“2007年7月6日至16日,中国公安机关与美国联邦调查局开展代号‘夏至’的联合行动,成功破获两起特大跨国生产、销售盗版软件的犯罪案件。中国公安机关现已缉捕犯罪嫌疑人25名,缴获盗版母碟22张,盗版Vista、Office2007、Norton Systemworks等软件光盘、真品证书(COA)、防伪标签等共计36万张(件),冻结、查封涉案资金、车辆、房产等价值6000余万元人民币。同时,美国联邦调查局已经执行了24项搜查令和资产扣押令,查获价值200多万美元的盗版软件,扣押了超过70万美元的资产,对犯罪嫌疑人的缉捕行动将在美国内逐步展开。此次中美联合执法行动是目前全球打击高品质软件盗版活动的最大、最成功的执法行动。”


"Operation Summer Solstice encompasses multiple investigations currently being conducted by the FBI in Los Angeles and the MPS, Economic Crime Investigation Department (ECID), in which criminal organizations responsible for manufacturing and distributing counterfeit software have been identified in both Shanghai and Shenzhen; as were distributors located in the United States."

"FBI Agents assigned to Los Angeles and the FBI’s Legal Attache Office located in Beijing, China, provided information and substantial assistance in support of the investigation conducted by the MPS, ECID located in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen China. "

"The joint investigation was facilitated and supported by the IP Criminal Enforcement Working Group of the U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group for law enforcement, which is co-chaired by the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and the PRC, MPS. The Working Group is dedicated to increasing cooperation in intellectual property law enforcement efforts and pursuing more joint US-China cross-border criminal enforcement operations."

FT: China joins FBI in piracy operation

MICROSOFT: Raids in Southern China Target $2 Billion Global Software Counterfeiting Syndicate





Recommended Articles on IP, WTO, and China

Prof. Peter K. Yu is one of the few intellectual property scholars I highly respect.

At the moment when is no official news about the outcome of the Sino-U.S. consultation on the WTO IPR dispute, I recommend readings of Prof. Peter's some very well written papers:

From Pirates to Partners: Protecting Intellectual Property in China in the Twenty-First Century

From Pirates to Partners (Episode II): Protecting Intellectual Property in Post-WTO China

Still Dissatisfied After All These Years: Intellectual Property, Post-WTO China, and the Avoidable Cycle of Futility

Intellectual Property, Economic Development, and the China Puzzle

"From the standpoint of dispute settlement approaches, China was closer to Japan than to the United States; '[h]istorically, [it] has never been shy to express its preference for amicable means of dispute settlement in diplomacy.' Thus, China might be skeptical of the WTO dispute settlement process, or even reluctant to use it."



知识产权局局长:实施知识产权战略 提升自主创新能力







EU-China: mutual recognition and protection of GIs

Geographical indications becoming clearer

China, EU recognize geographical specialities

"It was the first time the two sides had pursued the 'bilateral registration' of geographic indications (GIs), but both of them emphasized that the official registration would be subject to an examination period from 12 to 18 months."

国家质检总局与欧盟地理标志产品保护合作取得实质性进展 首批中欧各10个产品可望受到专门保护


欧方提交的产品名单包括:West Country farm cheddar(农舍奶酪)、White stilton cheese/blue stilton cheese(斯提尔顿奶酪)、Scottish farmed salmon(苏格兰农家三文鱼)、Prosciutto di Parma(帕尔玛火腿)、Grana Padano(帕加诺奶酪)、Pruneau d‘Agen-PruneauxdAgen mi-cuits(阿让李子干)、Roquefort(洛克福奶酪)、Comte(孔蒂奶酪)、Sierra Mágina(马吉娜橄榄油)、Priego de Córdoda(科多瓦橄榄油)。



















没多久,恩格尔就发现中基宁波对外贸易股份有限公司(Ningbo Foreign Trade Co.)在以每件45美分的价格出售数以万计的Brababy仿冒品。恩格尔假扮成买主,问了几个关于产品的问题,然后拿了一本宣传册,便冲进了交易会的知识产权投诉办公室,在那里,他得知自己缺乏证明自己身份的必要文件。……






《要求删除或断开链接侵权网络内容的通知》及《要求恢复被删除或断开链接的网络内容的说明》是国家版权局根据《信息网络传播权保护条例》第14条、第16条的规定,细化“书面通知” 和“书面说明” 的内容而制订的指导性格式范本,仅向社会推荐使用







Google's Policy on Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Yahoo!'s Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy

附记,最近关于信息网络传播权的一个新突破:Belgium Reins in Filesharing: Belgian ISPs to be held responsible for copyright infringement on their networks.

"A Belgian court has ruled that an internet service provider must block illegal, peer-to-peer filesharing on its network. The ruling is the first in Europe to hold an ISP accountable for copyright-infringing traffic and it will likely ripple across the EU, according to London-based IFPI, a counterpart of the Recording Industry Association of America."