James Packard Love, Knowledge Ecology International Research Note:
Recent examples of the use of compulsory licenses on patents
"This paper reports on a number of recent examples of the use of compulsory licenses, in both developed and developing economies. The examples cover a wide variety of technologies, legal mechanisms, and grounds for non-voluntary authorizations to use patents."
As regards China, it used the threat to a compulsory license to obtain voluntary licenses to manufacture generic Tamiflu in 2005.
Recent examples of the use of compulsory licenses on patents
"This paper reports on a number of recent examples of the use of compulsory licenses, in both developed and developing economies. The examples cover a wide variety of technologies, legal mechanisms, and grounds for non-voluntary authorizations to use patents."
As regards China, it used the threat to a compulsory license to obtain voluntary licenses to manufacture generic Tamiflu in 2005.