China Passes Antitrust Law, to Scrutinize More Deals:
"Whether the law makes foreign investors' lives more difficult depends on how it's implemented, Jonathan Palmer, regional managing director for U.S. law firm Heller Ehrman LLP said. 'Where the rubber meets the road is in the enforcement,' he said. 'At the moment, we don't know how it's going to be enforced. But overall the law is a significant step forward and is in compliance with international standards.'"
于泽远:明年八月实施 国企和跨国企业 将受反垄断法遏制
第五十五条 经营者依照有关知识产权的法律、行政法规规定行使知识产权的行为,不适用本法;但是,经营者滥用知识产权,排除、限制竞争的行为,适用本法。
Article 55 deals with the abuse of the IPRs, applicable to the undertakings that eliminate or restrict market competition beyond the laws and administrative regulations on intellectual property rights.
The three major intellectual property laws in China, namely, Copyright Law, Patent Law, and Trademark Law, are directly impacted by the Anti-Monopoly Law.
More info about the Law is available here.
China Passes Antitrust Law, to Scrutinize More Deals:
"Whether the law makes foreign investors' lives more difficult depends on how it's implemented, Jonathan Palmer, regional managing director for U.S. law firm Heller Ehrman LLP said. 'Where the rubber meets the road is in the enforcement,' he said. 'At the moment, we don't know how it's going to be enforced. But overall the law is a significant step forward and is in compliance with international standards.'"
于泽远:明年八月实施 国企和跨国企业 将受反垄断法遏制
第五十五条 经营者依照有关知识产权的法律、行政法规规定行使知识产权的行为,不适用本法;但是,经营者滥用知识产权,排除、限制竞争的行为,适用本法。
Article 55 deals with the abuse of the IPRs, applicable to the undertakings that eliminate or restrict market competition beyond the laws and administrative regulations on intellectual property rights.
The three major intellectual property laws in China, namely, Copyright Law, Patent Law, and Trademark Law, are directly impacted by the Anti-Monopoly Law.
More info about the Law is available here.